How can I detect Heroku's environment?

aviraldg picture aviraldg · Feb 21, 2012 · Viewed 11.6k times · Source

I have a Django webapp, and I'd like to check if it's running on the Heroku stack (for conditional enabling of debugging, etc.) Is there any simple way to do this? An environment variable, perhaps?

I know I can probably also do it the other way around - that is, have it detect if it's running on a developer machine, but that just doesn't "sound right".


Neil Middleton picture Neil Middleton · Feb 22, 2012

An ENV var seems to the most obvious way of doing this. Either look for an ENV var that you know exists, or set your own:

on_heroku = False
if 'YOUR_ENV_VAR' in os.environ:
  on_heroku = True

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