ZeroMQ PUB socket buffers all my out going data when it is connecting

Fang-Pen Lin picture Fang-Pen Lin · Jan 21, 2012 · Viewed 10.4k times · Source

I noticed that a zeromq PUB socket will buffers all outgoing data if it is connecting, for example

import zmq
import time
context = zmq.Context()

# create a PUB socket
pub = context.socket (zmq.PUB)
# push some message before connected
# they should be dropped
for i in range(5):
    pub.send('a message should not be dropped')


# create a SUB socket
sub = context.socket (zmq.SUB)
sub.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "")


# this is the only message we should see in SUB

while True:
    print sub.recv()

The sub binds after those messages, they should be dropped, because PUB should drop messages if no one connected to it. But instead of dropping messages, it buffers all messages.

a message should not be dropped
a message should not be dropped
a message should not be dropped
a message should not be dropped
a message should not be dropped

As you can see, those "a message should not be dropped" are buffered by the socket, once it gets connected, it flush them to SUB socket. If I bind at the PUB socket, and connect at the SUB socket, then it works correctly.

import zmq
import time
context = zmq.Context()

# create a PUB socket
pub = context.socket (zmq.PUB)
# push some message before connected
# they should be dropped
for i in range(5):
    pub.send('a message should not be dropped')


# create a SUB socket
sub = context.socket (zmq.SUB)
sub.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, "")


# this is the only message we should see in SUB

while True:
    print repr(sub.recv())

And you can only see the output


This kind of strange behavior cause a problem, it buffers all data on a connecting socket, I have two servers, server A publishes data to server B

Server A -- publish --> Server B

It works fine if server B gets online. But what if I start the Server A and do not start Server B?

As the result, the connecting PUB socket on Server A keeps all those data, the memory usage gets higher and higher.

Here is the problem, is this kind of behavior a bug or feature? If it is feature, where can I find a document that mentions this behavior? And how can I stop the connecting PUB socket buffers all data?



aculich picture aculich · Jan 22, 2012

Whether the socket blocks or drops messages depends on the socket type as described in the ZMQ::Socket documentation (emphasis below is mine):

ZMQ::HWM: Retrieve high water mark

The ZMQ::HWM option shall retrieve the high water mark for the specified socket. The high water mark is a hard limit on the maximum number of outstanding messages 0MQ shall queue in memory for any single peer that the specified socket is communicating with.

If this limit has been reached the socket shall enter an exceptional state and depending on the socket type, 0MQ shall take appropriate action such as blocking or dropping sent messages. Refer to the individual socket descriptions in ZMQ::Socket for details on the exact action taken for each socket type.

The default ZMQ::HWM value of zero means “no limit”.

You can see if it will block or drop by looking through the documentation for the socket type for ZMQ::HWM option action which will either be Block or Drop.

The action for ZMQ::PUB is Drop, so if it is not dropping you should check the HWM (High Water Mark) value and heed the warning that The default ZMQ::HWM value of zero means “no limit”, meaning that it will not enter an exceptional state until the system runs out of memory (at which point I don't know how it behaves).