I'm using a ComboBox
as part of a larger GUI, written in python/tkinter.
When the drop-down selection is changed, the color is updated to indicate to the user that something has changed.
However, the combobox also allows the user to type in their own value. I also want the color to change when this happens.
The problem is, I don't see anything in the ComboBox
documentation indicating how to do this.
You can use a StringVar as a parameter of the Combobox constructor. This StringVar can be traced (ie, subscribe to each change).
Here a small example:
from Tkinter import *
from ttk import *
def on_field_change(index, value, op):
print "combobox updated to ", c.get()
root = Tk()
v = StringVar()
c = Combobox(root, textvar=v, values=["foo", "bar", "baz"])