Is there a gi.repository documentation for python?

Jan Vorcak picture Jan Vorcak · Dec 7, 2011 · Viewed 16k times · Source

I'm looking for a gi.repository module documentation and I can't find anything on the internet. All I found is documentation of new Gtk3 libraries for C, or old PyGtk 2.0 Reference Manual

I'm looking for something like PyGtk 2.0 Reference Manual but for Gtk3.

Is there something similar for Python? (I'm not looking for dir(Gtk) or help(Gtk) in the Python console.)


Yomi picture Yomi · Jan 13, 2014

Yes, I found a site that contains documentations for all python bindings of perhaps all GNOME projects that are supported by the python gi.repository module or the Python GObject Introspection module:

The one specifically for GTK is:

There is also documentation specific to the gi package provided by PyGObject:

I hope you find these links helpful