I am working on integrating with the Photobucket API and I came across this in their api docs:
"Sort the parameters by name lexographically [sic] (byte ordering, the standard sorting, not natural or case insensitive). If the parameters have the same name, then sort by the value."
What does that mean? How do I sort something lexicographically? byte ordering?
The rest of their docs have been ok so far, but (to me) it seems like this line bears further explanation. Unfortunately there was none to be had.
Anyway, I'm writing the application in Python (it'll eventually become a Django app) in case you want to recommend specific modules that will handle such sorting for me ^_^
I think that here lexicographic is a "alias" for ascii sort?
Lexicographic Natural z1.doc z1.doc z10.doc z2.doc z100.doc z3.doc z101.doc z4.doc z102.doc z5.doc z11.doc z6.doc z12.doc z7.doc z13.doc z8.doc z14.doc z9.doc z15.doc z10.doc z16.doc z11.doc z17.doc z12.doc z18.doc z13.doc z19.doc z14.doc z2.doc z15.doc z20.doc z16.doc z3.doc z17.doc z4.doc z18.doc z5.doc z19.doc z6.doc z20.doc z7.doc z100.doc z8.doc z101.doc z9.doc z102.doc