I was writing a twitter program using tweepy. When I run this code, it prints the Python ... values for them, like
<tweepy.models.Status object at 0x95ff8cc>
Which is not good. How do I get the actual tweet?
import tweepy, tweepy.api
key = XXXXX
sec = XXXXX
tok = XXXXX
tsec = XXXXX
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(key, sec)
auth.set_access_token(tok, tsec)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
pub = api.home_timeline()
for i in pub:
print str(i)
In general, you can use the dir()
builtin in Python to inspect an object.
It would seem the Tweepy documentation is very lacking here, but I would imagine the Status objects mirror the structure of Twitter's REST status format, see (for example) https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1/get/statuses/home_timeline
So -- try
print dir(status)
to see what lives in the status object
or just, say,
print status.text
print status.user.screen_name