python lxml append element after another element

Tu Hoang picture Tu Hoang · Sep 19, 2011 · Viewed 22k times · Source

I have the following HTML markup

<div id="contents">
    <div id="content_nav">
        something goes here
        some contents

To fix some CSS issue, I want to append a div tag <div style="clear:both"></div> after the content_nav div like this

<div id="contents">
    <div id="content_nav">
        something goes here

    <div style="clear:both"></div>

        some contents

I am doing it this way:

import lxml.etree

tree = lxml.etree.fromString(inputString, parser=lxml.etree.HTMLParser())

contentnav = tree.find(".//div[@id='content_nav']")
contentnav.append(lxml.etree.XML("<div style='clear: both'></div>"))

But that doesn't append the new div right after content_nav div but inside.

<div id="content_nav">
    something goes here
    <div style="clear:both"></div>

Is there any way to add a div in the middle of content_nav div and some p like that inside contents?



unutbu picture unutbu · Sep 19, 2011

Instead of appending to contentnav, go up to the parent (contentdiv) and insert the new div at a particular index. To find that index, use contentdiv.index(contentnav), which gives the index of contentnav within contentdiv. Adding one to that gives the desired index.

import lxml.etree as ET

<div id="contents">
    <div id="content_nav">
        something goes here
        some contents
tree = ET.fromstring(content, parser=ET.HTMLParser())
contentnav = tree.find(".//div[@id='content_nav']")
contentdiv = contentnav.getparent()
                  ET.XML("<div style='clear: both'></div>"))


<html><body><div id="contents">
    <div id="content_nav">
        something goes here
    <div style="clear: both"/><p>
        some contents