Save/dump a YAML file with comments in PyYAML

Harley Holcombe picture Harley Holcombe · Aug 31, 2011 · Viewed 25.3k times · Source

I have a yaml file that looks like this:

# The following key opens a door
key: value

Is there a way I can load and dump this data while maintaining the comment?


Anthon picture Anthon · Nov 24, 2014

If you are using block structured YAML, you can use the python package¹ ruamel.yaml which is a derivative of PyYAML and supports round trip preservation of comments:

import sys
import ruamel.yaml

yaml_str = """\
# example
  # details
  family: Smith   # very common
  given: Alice    # one of the siblings

yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()  # defaults to round-trip if no parameters given
code = yaml.load(yaml_str)
code['name']['given'] = 'Bob'

yaml.dump(code, sys.stdout)

with result:

# example
  # details
  family: Smith   # very common
  given: Bob      # one of the siblings

Note that the end-of-line comments are still aligned.

Instead of normal list and dict objects the code consists of wrapped versions² on which the comments attached.

¹ Install with pip install ruamel.yaml. Works on Python 2.6/2.7/3.3+
² ordereddict is used in case of a mapping, to preserve ordering