Python distutils, how to get a compiler that is going to be used?

Headcrab picture Headcrab · Apr 7, 2009 · Viewed 13.9k times · Source

For example, I may use python build --compiler=msvc or python build --compiler=mingw32 or just python build, in which case the default compiler (say, bcpp) will be used. How can I get the compiler name inside my (e. g. msvc, mingw32 and bcpp, respectively)?

UPD.: I don't need the default compiler, I need the one that is actually going to be used, which is not necessarily the default one. So far I haven't found a better way than to parse sys.argv to see if there's a --compiler... string there.


Jon picture Jon · Mar 4, 2011

This is an expanded version of Luper Rouch's answer that worked for me to get an openmp extension to compile using both mingw and msvc on windows. After subclassing build_ext you need to pass it to in the cmdclass arg. By subclassing build_extensions instead of finalize_options you'll have the actual compiler object to look into, so you can then get more detailed version information. You could eventually set compiler flags on a per-compiler, per-extension basis:

from distutils.core import setup, Extension
from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
copt =  {'msvc': ['/openmp', '/Ox', '/fp:fast','/favor:INTEL64','/Og']  ,
     'mingw32' : ['-fopenmp','-O3','-ffast-math','-march=native']       }
lopt =  {'mingw32' : ['-fopenmp'] }

class build_ext_subclass( build_ext ):
    def build_extensions(self):
        c = self.compiler.compiler_type
        if copt.has_key(c):
           for e in self.extensions:
               e.extra_compile_args = copt[ c ]
        if lopt.has_key(c):
            for e in self.extensions:
                e.extra_link_args = lopt[ c ]

mod = Extension('_wripaca',

setup (name = 'wripaca',
   ext_modules = [mod],
   py_modules = ["wripaca"],
   cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext_subclass } )