I'm having trouble with Vim and Python completion. In fact I'm totally confused how does this work.
I have generic gvim 7.3, on windows 7 (with python/dyn) I'm using SuperTab plugin, amongst many others, some of which are python-specific, with following settings in vimrc:
au FileType python set omnifunc=pythoncomplete#Complete
let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "context"
let g:SuperTabContextDefaultCompletionType = "<c-n>"
I did not set PYTHONPATH enviroment varariable.
Completion works ok for system modules.
At first I thought that it isn't working at all for non-system code, but that's not the case. What is happening is best shown on following code:
import numpy.random # if this line is commented completion in last line works
class C(object):
def __init__(self, x_):
def getX(self):
return self.x
def pr(self):
print 'ok'
a=C(10) # nothing changes if I put C() instead, even though it would be wrong
a. # here is completion in question
Problem is that completion works (a.<tab> suggests getX and pr) if import line is commented. But it there is import numpy.random, completion brakes down. Note: this import works normally when I run the code.
What are prerequisites for Python completion? What's happening and what should I do to get completion working for Python.
As I am (relatively) new to Vim, any suggestion is appreciated.
EDIT: It seems that the problem is in using a.b form in import. If I do from numpy import random, everything is ok. If this is reasonably easy to fix I would like to get a.b from to work too. But now that I know how to go around it that's not so important.
Are there more unusual problem like this one so that I know what's happening in the future?
pythoncomplete is rather old and unmaintained.
Try to use Jedi: https://github.com/davidhalter/jedi-vim It was originally an improved pythoncomplete, but is now much much more powerful!
It works for complex code:
And has additional features:
There is a list of all possible features:
, __iter__
, __next__
, __getitem__
, __init__
/ __getattr__
/ __getattribute__
checks for if/while/assert