Deriving an SSH Fingerprint from a Public Key in Python

Michael Gorsuch picture Michael Gorsuch · Jul 13, 2011 · Viewed 9.3k times · Source

I'm trying to understand the steps to take an OpenSSH public key like so:

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAqmEmDTNBC6O8HGCdu0MZ9zLCivDsYSttrrmlq87/YsEBpvwUTiF3UEQuFLaq5Gm+dtgxJewg/UwsZrDFxzpQhCHB6VmqrbKN2hEIkk/HJvCnAmR1ehXv8n2BWw3Jlw7Z+VgWwXAH50f2HWYqTaE4qP4Dxc4RlElxgNmlDPGXw/dYBvChYBG/RvIiTz1L+pYzPD4JR54IMmTOwjcGIJl7nk1VjKvl3D8Wgp6qejv4MfZ7Htdc99SUKcKWAeHYsjPXosSk3GlwKiS/sZi51Yca394GE7T4hZu6HTaXeZoD8+IZ7AijYn89H7EPjuu0iCAa/cjVzBsFHGszQYG+U5KfIw==

And then to convert it into an standard fingerprint like so:

2048 49:d3:cb:f6:00:d2:93:43:a6:27:07:ca:12:fd:5d:98 (RSA)

I have attempted to dive into the OpenSSH source to understand this, but it is over my head. My first guess was to do a simple MD5 on the key text, but the result does not match the above output.


phihag picture phihag · Jul 13, 2011

It is the MD5 sum of the base64-encoded key:

import base64
import hashlib

def lineToFingerprint(line):
    key = base64.b64decode(line.strip().split()[1].encode('ascii'))
    fp_plain = hashlib.md5(key).hexdigest()
    return ':'.join(a+b for a,b in zip(fp_plain[::2], fp_plain[1::2]))