How do I send data from LabView to Python and get a result back?
One other solution is using the smart messaging library ZeroMQ, which comes with a lot of bindings, almost for all major languages.
For the Python/Labview case there is a nice demo project on sourceforge:
Client-side ~LabVIEW
Server-side part (example)
#-----------------------------------------# INFRASTRUCTURE for communication
context = zmq.Context() # I/O-DAEMON CONTEXT
socket = context.socket(zmq.REP) # ARCHETYPE for a Smart Messaging
socket.bind( "tcp://" ) # PORT ready for LabView to .connect()
#-----------------------------------------# TRANSPORT-CLASS-es {ipc|tcp|+..}
while True: # LOOP & WAIT FOR REQ-calls
# # Wait for request from client
message = socket.recv()
print("Received request: %s" % message )
r = eval( message )
print(r )
socket.send(bytearray(str( r ),
'utf-8' )) # send returned value as bytearry to client
except NameError:
socket.send( b"Unknown command" )
socket.send( b"Unknown error" )