I have a hard time with tree traversal, and so avoid it like the plague... normally.
I have a class that's sort-of (slightly simplified version here, but functionally the same) like:
class Branch(object):
def __init__(self, title, parent=None):
self.title = title
self.parent = parent
I have a dictionary of a bunch of Branch
instances, the titles of each as the keys:
tree = {'Foo Branch': foo, 'Sub-Foo Branch': sub_foo, 'Bar Branch': bar}
Now, I know that there are complex algorithms for making traversal efficient (e.g. MPTT, et al), particularly for use with database-driven projects where efficiency matters the most. I'm not using the database at all, only simple in-memory objects.
Given the title
of a Branch
, I need to get a list
of all descendants of that branch (children, children's children, so-on) from tree
, so:
Note: This isn't a homework assignment. I'm not in school. I'm really just this bad at algorithms. I've used Django MPTT for a project which required DB-stored trees... but still don't understand it very well.
You traverse as follows in two passes:
First pass: Search for the query node with the appropriate key. (This step is unnecessary if you have a hashmap of all the nodes in the entire tree; you have this (good) so this step is not necessary.)
Second pass: Call a modified version of the algorithm on the query node, but this time, whenever you visit a node, yield it (or append it to a nonlocal accumulator variable).
However your situation is a bit odd, because normally trees have pointers to children as well, sort of like a double-linked list. Unfortunately we don't have that information... but fortunately it's easy to add that information:
nodes = tree.values()
for node in nodes:
if node.parent:
if not hasattr(node.parent, 'children'):
node.parent.children = []
node.parent.children +=[ node ]
Now we can proceed with our example:
def traverse(root, callback):
Peform callback on all nodes in depth-first order
e.g. traverse(root, lambda x:print(x))
yield root, callback(root)
for child in root.children:
def getAllDescendents(title):
queryNode = titlesToNodes[title] #what you call 'tree'
for node,blah in traverse(queryNode, lambda x:None):
yield node