I am using visual studio code to try and pull candles from binance but i keep getting the following error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'binance.client'; 'binance' is not a package
heres the line of code that is causing the error:
from binance.client import Client
Ive made sure that I pip installed python-binance to the right version of python and from what ive read im guessing theres something wrong with the path but im not sure what to look for. I ran the following code check the path
import pprint, os
import binance
this was my result
i read that having files named binance.py could mess with it, but this was the name given when it was downloaded. if your curious about what it looks like here it is:
import hmac
import hashlib
import logging
import requests
import time
from urllib import urlencode
# for python3
except ImportError:
from urllib.parse import urlencode
ENDPOINT = "https://www.binance.com"
options = {}
def set(apiKey, secret):
"""Set API key and secret.
Must be called before any making any signed API calls.
options["apiKey"] = apiKey
options["secret"] = secret
def prices():
"""Get latest prices for all symbols."""
data = request("GET", "/api/v1/ticker/allPrices")
return {d["symbol"]: d["price"] for d in data}
def tickers():
"""Get best price/qty on the order book for all symbols."""
data = request("GET", "/api/v1/ticker/allBookTickers")
return {d["symbol"]: {
"bid": d["bidPrice"],
"ask": d["askPrice"],
"bidQty": d["bidQty"],
"askQty": d["askQty"],
} for d in data}
def depth(symbol, **kwargs):
"""Get order book.
symbol (str)
limit (int, optional): Default 100. Must be one of 50, 20, 100, 500, 5,
200, 10.
params = {"symbol": symbol}
data = request("GET", "/api/v1/depth", params)
return {
"bids": {px: qty for px, qty, _ in data["bids"]},
"asks": {px: qty for px, qty, _ in data["asks"]},
def klines(symbol, interval, **kwargs):
"""Get kline/candlestick bars for a symbol.
Klines are uniquely identified by their open time. If startTime and endTime
are not sent, the most recent klines are returned.
symbol (str)
interval (str)
limit (int, optional): Default 500; max 500.
startTime (int, optional)
endTime (int, optional)
params = {"symbol": symbol, "interval": interval}
data = request("GET", "/api/v1/klines", params)
return [{
"openTime": d[0],
"open": d[1],
"high": d[2],
"low": d[3],
"close": d[4],
"volume": d[5],
"closeTime": d[6],
"quoteVolume": d[7],
"numTrades": d[8],
} for d in data]
def balances():
"""Get current balances for all symbols."""
data = signedRequest("GET", "/api/v3/account", {})
if 'msg' in data:
raise ValueError("Error from exchange: {}".format(data['msg']))
return {d["asset"]: {
"free": d["free"],
"locked": d["locked"],
} for d in data.get("balances", [])}
def order(symbol, side, quantity, price, orderType=LIMIT, timeInForce=GTC,
test=False, **kwargs):
"""Send in a new order.
symbol (str)
side (str): BUY or SELL.
quantity (float, str or decimal)
price (float, str or decimal)
orderType (str, optional): LIMIT or MARKET.
timeInForce (str, optional): GTC or IOC.
test (bool, optional): Creates and validates a new order but does not
send it into the matching engine. Returns an empty dict if
newClientOrderId (str, optional): A unique id for the order.
Automatically generated if not sent.
stopPrice (float, str or decimal, optional): Used with stop orders.
icebergQty (float, str or decimal, optional): Used with iceberg orders.
params = {
"symbol": symbol,
"side": side,
"type": orderType,
"timeInForce": timeInForce,
"quantity": formatNumber(quantity),
"price": formatNumber(price),
path = "/api/v3/order/test" if test else "/api/v3/order"
data = signedRequest("POST", path, params)
return data
def orderStatus(symbol, **kwargs):
"""Check an order's status.
symbol (str)
orderId (int, optional)
origClientOrderId (str, optional)
recvWindow (int, optional)
params = {"symbol": symbol}
data = signedRequest("GET", "/api/v3/order", params)
return data
def cancel(symbol, **kwargs):
"""Cancel an active order.
symbol (str)
orderId (int, optional)
origClientOrderId (str, optional)
newClientOrderId (str, optional): Used to uniquely identify this
cancel. Automatically generated by default.
recvWindow (int, optional)
params = {"symbol": symbol}
data = signedRequest("DELETE", "/api/v3/order", params)
return data
def openOrders(symbol, **kwargs):
"""Get all open orders on a symbol.
symbol (str)
recvWindow (int, optional)
params = {"symbol": symbol}
data = signedRequest("GET", "/api/v3/openOrders", params)
return data
def allOrders(symbol, **kwargs):
"""Get all account orders; active, canceled, or filled.
If orderId is set, it will get orders >= that orderId. Otherwise most
recent orders are returned.
symbol (str)
orderId (int, optional)
limit (int, optional): Default 500; max 500.
recvWindow (int, optional)
params = {"symbol": symbol}
data = signedRequest("GET", "/api/v3/allOrders", params)
return data
def myTrades(symbol, **kwargs):
"""Get trades for a specific account and symbol.
symbol (str)
limit (int, optional): Default 500; max 500.
fromId (int, optional): TradeId to fetch from. Default gets most recent
recvWindow (int, optional)
params = {"symbol": symbol}
data = signedRequest("GET", "/api/v3/myTrades", params)
return data
def request(method, path, params=None):
resp = requests.request(method, ENDPOINT + path, params=params)
data = resp.json()
if "msg" in data:
return data
def signedRequest(method, path, params):
if "apiKey" not in options or "secret" not in options:
raise ValueError("Api key and secret must be set")
query = urlencode(sorted(params.items()))
query += "×tamp={}".format(int(time.time() * 1000))
secret = bytes(options["secret"].encode("utf-8"))
signature = hmac.new(secret, query.encode("utf-8"),
query += "&signature={}".format(signature)
resp = requests.request(method,
ENDPOINT + path + "?" + query,
headers={"X-MBX-APIKEY": options["apiKey"]})
data = resp.json()
if "msg" in data:
return data
def formatNumber(x):
if isinstance(x, float):
return "{:.8f}".format(x)
return str(x)
Any help or suggestions is appreciated, Thanks!
Uninstall, Reinstall, Upgrade.
python -m pip uninstall python-binance
python -m pip install python-binance
python -m pip install --upgrade python-binance
2. It looks like your binance.py file that you are writing is located in your site-packages. When you installed python-binance there was a folder created in your site-packages called binance
You could move the file you are working on or rename the file you are working on.
this is what you are doing:
from binance.client import Client
this is what it means:
from the binance folder located in site_packages import the Client Class from the client.py file.
Since you have a binance.py it could be overriding the binance folder but im not sure why a module would be trying to import itself. Unless you are doing it differently.