Update anaconda failed - Entry point not found

Matthew Baker picture Matthew Baker · Jan 8, 2020 · Viewed 9k times · Source

I have just tried to update my anaconda environment to the latest version and I am now receiving errors. I opened the conda environment as an admin, and the commands issued were:

conda update conda
conda update anaconda

First command finished fine. Second command produced error:

pythonw.exe - Entry Point Not Found

The procedure entry point ?PyWinObject_FromULARGE_INTEGER@@YAPEAU_object@@AEAT_ULARGE_INTEGER@@@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library c:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\pythoncom37.dll

Error message

I have found a reference to this sort of error that requires me to copy a file libssl-1-1-x64.dll from Anaconda3/Library/bin with the one from Anaconda3/DLLs.

How to Fix Entry Point Not Found while installing libraries in conda environment

However, I do not have that file, in the source location. Is there any commands I can issue to download this file again, or somewhere online I can safely download that one file from?


Christian Rickert picture Christian Rickert · Feb 11, 2020

Got the same error, when updating conda.

However, the file pythoncom37.dll was located in C:\Windows\System32. Turns out the file was a left-over from a previous update of Python 3.7.5 to Python 3.8, i.e. not related to the installation of conda itself. My guess is that conda registered with Python 3.7 and then failed to use the dll from an incompatible installation.

Solution: Removed pythoncom37.dll and pywintypes37 from C:\Windows\System32.