Python GPU programming

Eelco Hoogendoorn picture Eelco Hoogendoorn · May 11, 2011 · Viewed 78.7k times · Source

I am currently working on a project in python, and I would like to make use of the GPU for some calculations.

At first glance it seems like there are many tools available; at second glance, I feel like im missing something.

Copperhead looks awesome but has not yet been released. It would appear that im limited to writing low-level CUDA or openCL kernels; no thrust, no cudpp. If id like to have something sorted, im going to have to do it myself.

That doesnt seem quite right to me. Am I indeed missing something? Or is this GPU-scripting not quite living up to the hype yet?

Edit: GPULIB seems like it might be what I need. Documentation is rudimentary, and the python bindings are mentioned only in passing, but im applying for a download link right now. Anyone has experience with that, or links to similar free-for-academic-use GPU libraries? ReEdit: ok, python bindings are infact nonexistant.

Edit2: So I guess my best bet is to write something in C/CUDA and call that from python?


Joseph Lisee picture Joseph Lisee · May 11, 2011

PyCUDA provides very good integration with CUDA and has several helper interfaces to make writing CUDA code easier than in the straight C api. Here is an example from the Wiki which does a 2D FFT without needing any C code at all.