I encountered the problem. When i am trying to create new PyDev project, an error occurs:
Unable to load the repository http://pydev.org/updates
Unknown Host: http://pydev.org/updates/content.xml
When I open this link(http://pydev.org/updates) in my browser, it redirects me here - http://pydev.org/updates/content.xml
So i understand Eclipse cannot find the repository because there's nothing to look at this link... Does anybody know how to solve this problem?
I installed PyDev as described at PyDev Manual (Help-Install New software-and so on...)
If the url doesn't work directly, you may visit the update site in the browser (i.e.: http://www.pydev.org/updates/) and check the note to where it does redirect.
The current url it redirects to is http://dl.bintray.com/fabioz/pydev/5.8.0/ but it changes at each release, so, you may want to check the current release and update the version accordingly.
For older versions, it's possible to visit (in the browser) http://www.pydev.org/update_sites/ and check the existing update site urls (again, you may visit the update site url to see where it does redirect to and use that directly).