Django : Filter query based on custom function

Neo picture Neo · Apr 16, 2011 · Viewed 29.7k times · Source

I've got a function built into my Django model class and I want to use that function to filter my query results.

  class service:
       def is_active(self):
            if > self.end_time:
                  return False
            return True

Now I want to use this function into my query filter, something like

nserv = service.objects.filter(is_active=True)

I know, for this simple 'is_active' case, I can directly make this comparision in filter query, but for more complex situations, that may not be possible. How should I make a query, based on custom functions?


Walter Renner picture Walter Renner · Feb 5, 2015

I just had a similar issue. The problem was i had to return a QuerySet instance. A quick solution for me was to do something like:

active_serv_ids = [ for service in Service.objects.all() if service.is_active()]
nserv = Service.objects.filter(id__in=active_serv_ids)

pretty sure this is not the prettiest and performant way to do this, but i works for me.

a more verbose way of doing this would be:

active_serv_ids = []

for service in Service.objects.all():
if service.is_active():

nserv = Service.objects.filter(id__in=active_serv_ids)