"A problem occurred in initializing MCI" playsound issues

Daniel Silver picture Daniel Silver · Jun 17, 2019 · Viewed 10.7k times · Source

I'm trying to use playsound to play a file within the folder of my code, however very time I run my code it seems it is able to call the file however I always recieve this output:


Error 277 for command:

open "para.mp3" alias playsound_0.9208788744295284

A problem occurred in initializing MCI.

The code that is run is just the use of the playsound function:

from playsound import playsound
playsound("01. Humongous.mp3")

I'm unsure if this is just an issue with my machine or something that I'm missing?


chip_rockets picture chip_rockets · May 19, 2020

Convert the mp3 file to wav. Worked for me.