NumPy: calculate averages with NaNs removed

Mike T picture Mike T · Mar 30, 2011 · Viewed 45.3k times · Source

How can I calculate matrix mean values along a matrix, but to remove nan values from calculation? (For R people, think na.rm = TRUE).

Here is my [non-]working example:

import numpy as np
dat = np.array([[1, 2, 3],
                [4, 5, np.nan],
                [np.nan, 6, np.nan],
                [np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]])
print(dat.mean(1))  # [  2.  nan  nan  nan]

With NaNs removed, my expected output would be:

array([ 2.,  4.5,  6.,  nan])


JoshAdel picture JoshAdel · Mar 30, 2011

I think what you want is a masked array:

dat = np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,nan], [nan,6,nan], [nan,nan,nan]])
mdat =,np.isnan(dat))
mm = np.mean(mdat,axis=1)
print mm.filled(np.nan) # the desired answer

Edit: Combining all of the timing data

   from timeit import Timer

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats.stats import nanmean    
dat = np.random.normal(size=(1000,1000))
ii = np.ix_(np.random.randint(0,99,size=50),np.random.randint(0,99,size=50))
dat[ii] = np.nan

mdat =,np.isnan(dat))
mm = np.mean(mdat,axis=1)

    N = 2
    t1 = Timer(method1, setupstr).timeit(N)
    t2 = Timer("[np.mean([l for l in d if not np.isnan(l)]) for d in dat]", setupstr).timeit(N)
    t3 = Timer("np.array([r[np.isfinite(r)].mean() for r in dat])", setupstr).timeit(N)
    t4 = Timer("", setupstr).timeit(N)
    t5 = Timer("nanmean(dat,axis=1)", setupstr).timeit(N)

    print 'Time: %f\tRatio: %f' % (t1,t1/t1 )
    print 'Time: %f\tRatio: %f' % (t2,t2/t1 )
    print 'Time: %f\tRatio: %f' % (t3,t3/t1 )
    print 'Time: %f\tRatio: %f' % (t4,t4/t1 )
    print 'Time: %f\tRatio: %f' % (t5,t5/t1 )


Time: 0.045454  Ratio: 1.000000
Time: 8.179479  Ratio: 179.950595
Time: 0.060988  Ratio: 1.341755
Time: 0.070955  Ratio: 1.561029
Time: 0.065152  Ratio: 1.433364