I'm trying to make a circular singly linked list. I'd like to be able to modify my code for a singly liked list but I'm have some trouble.
For my linked list I have:
class Link (object):
def __init__ (self, data, next = None):
self.data = data
self.next = next
class LinkedList(object):
def __init__(self):
self.first = None
def __str__(self):
a = "["
current = self.first
while current != None:
a += str(current.data) + ', '
current = current.next
a = a[:-2] + ']'
return a
def __iter__(self):
current = self.first
a = []
while current != None:
a += [current.data]
current = current.next
return iter(a)
def __len__ (self):
current = self.first
a = []
while current != None:
a += [current.data]
current = current.next
return len(a)
def InsertFirst(self, item):
NewLink = Link(item, self.first)
self.first = NewLink
def InsertLast(self, item):
NewLink = Link(item)
current = self.first
if current == None:
self.first = NewLink
while current.next != None:
current = current.next
current.next = NewLink
def Search(self, item):
count = 0
current = self.first
while current != None:
count += 1
if current.data == item:
return count
current = current.next
return -1
def Delete(self, item):
current = self.first
previous = self.first
if (current == None):
return None
while (current.data != item):
if (current.next == None):
return None
previous = current
current = current.next
if (current == self.first):
self.first = self.first.next
previous.next = current.next
return current
So far for my circular list I have:
class Link (object):
def __init__ (self, data, next = None):
self.data = data
self.next = next
class CircularList(object):
def __init__(self):
self.first = Link(None, None)
self.head = Link(None, self.first)
def __str__(self):
a = "["
current = self.first
while current != None:
a += str(current.data) + ', '
current = current.next
a = a[:-2] + ']'
return a
def InsertLast(self, item):
NewLink = Link(item)
current = self.first
if current == None:
self.first = NewLink
while current.next != None:
current = current.next
current.next = Link(item)
My question is how do I link the last element back to the first so I can transverse?
The point of a circular linked list is to skip all of the "if next is not None" logic. At the beginning, the head points to itself, indicating that the list is empty. There is no need to create an empty "first" - at the very start do:
self.head = Link(None, None)
self.head.next = self.head
Then to insert a node after some other node, you just do:
def insert_after(insert_node, after_node):
insert_node.next = after_node.next
after_node.next = insert_node
To insert at the beginning of the list, do:
insert_after(node, head)
Insert before requires iterating to find the "before" node, since the list is only singly linked:
def insert_before(node, before_node):
loc = head
while loc.next is not before_node:
loc = loc.next
insert_after(insert_node, loc)
To insert at the end of the list, do:
insert_before(node, head)
To get all elements of the list do:
current = self.head.next
while current is not self.head:
# do something with current.data
# advance to next element
current = current.next
But the real power in a circular list is to make it doubly linked, so you can insert before without iterating.