Running Scapy on Windows with Python 2.7

user186477 picture user186477 · Mar 27, 2011 · Viewed 54.3k times · Source

I like to use Scapy with Python v2.7 under Windows 7.

  • How can I install the required module pypcap for Python 2.7?
  • Will it be possible to make Python scripts depending on Scapy into standalone Windows applications using a distribution tool such as py2exe?

The particular Python distribution I am using is Enthought Python distribution 7.02.


Konrad Brodzik picture Konrad Brodzik · Nov 20, 2014

Intrusive update: please note that this answer is outdated, with recent versions (>=2.4.0) scapy will ONLY require Npcap (or Winpcap) to work, and IPython for the console. Have a look at the official windows page

In case someone needs Scapy for 64-bit + Python 2.7, I've uploaded the binaries here:

In addition, you probably need to install WinPcap from the official site

Compiling it yourself required a few fixes - I'll commit them upstream soon.