How to check similarity of two images that have different pixelization

Youcef picture Youcef · Oct 10, 2018 · Viewed 22.1k times · Source

I am running a python code to check similarity of Quora and Twitter users profiles photos, but i am not getting a positive result when images are the same.

This is the code for comparing the two images :

path_photo_quora= "/home/yousuf/Desktop/quora_photo.jpg"
if open(path_photo_quora,"rb").read() == open(path_photo_twitter,"rb").read():
     print('photos profile are identical')

despite images are the same, the console is not printing "photos profile are identical", what can i do?


Håken Lid picture Håken Lid · Oct 10, 2018

You can use the imagehash library to compare similar images.

from PIL import Image
import imagehash
hash0 = imagehash.average_hash('quora_photo.jpg')) 
hash1 = imagehash.average_hash('twitter_photo.jpeg')) 
cutoff = 5

if hash0 - hash1 < cutoff:
  print('images are similar')
  print('images are not similar')

Since the images are not exactly the same, there will be some differences. But imagehash will work even if the images are resized, compressed, different file formats or with adjusted contrast or colors.

The hash (or fingerprint, really) is derived from a 8x8 monochrome thumbnail of the image. But even with such a reduced sample, the similarity comparisons give quite accurate results. Adjust the cutoff to find a balance between false positives and false negatives that is acceptable.