Python nested functions variable scoping

Stefan Manastirliu picture Stefan Manastirliu · Mar 7, 2011 · Viewed 83.8k times · Source

I've read almost all the other questions about the topic, but my code still doesn't work.

I think I'm missing something about python variable scope.

Here is my code:

                64:(25, 0.35),
                32:(13, 0.40),
                16:(7, 0.45),
                8:(4, 0.5)

def get_order_total(quantity):
    global PRICE_RANGES
    _total = 0
    _i = PRICE_RANGES.iterkeys()
    def recurse(_i):
            key =
            if quantity % key != quantity:
                _total += PRICE_RANGES[key][0]
            return recurse(_i) 
        except StopIteration:
            return (key, quantity % key)

    res = recurse(_i)

And I get

"global name '_total' is not defined"

I know the problem is on the _total assignment, but I can't understand why. Shouldn't recurse() have access to the parent function's variables?

Can someone explain to me what I'm missing about python variable scope?


Michael Hoffman picture Michael Hoffman · Nov 18, 2011

In Python 3, you can use the nonlocal statement to access non-local, non-global scopes.

The nonlocal statement causes a variable definition to bind to a previously created variable in the nearest scope. Here are some examples to illustrate:

def sum_list_items(_list):
    total = 0

    def do_the_sum(_list):
        for i in _list:
            total += i


    return total

sum_list_items([1, 2, 3])

The above example will fail with the error: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'total' referenced before assignment

Using nonlocal we can get the code to work:

def sum_list_items(_list):
    total = 0

    def do_the_sum(_list):

        # Define the total variable as non-local, causing it to bind
        # to the nearest non-global variable also called total.
        nonlocal total

        for i in _list:
            total += i


    return total

sum_list_items([1, 2, 3])

But what does "nearest" mean? Here is another example:

def sum_list_items(_list):

    total = 0

    def do_the_sum(_list):

        # The nonlocal total binds to this variable.
        total = 0

        def do_core_computations(_list):

            # Define the total variable as non-local, causing it to bind
            # to the nearest non-global variable also called total.
            nonlocal total

            for i in _list:
                total += i



    return total

sum_list_items([1, 2, 3])

In the above example, total will bind to the variable defined inside the do_the_sum function, and not the outer variable defined in the sum_list_items function, so the code will return 0.

def sum_list_items(_list):

    # The nonlocal total binds to this variable.
    total = 0

    def do_the_sum(_list):

        def do_core_computations(_list):

            # Define the total variable as non-local, causing it to bind
            # to the nearest non-global variable also called total.
            nonlocal total

            for i in _list:
                total += i



    return total

sum_list_items([1, 2, 3])

In the above example the nonlocal assignment traverses up two levels before it locates the total variable that is local to sum_list_items.