I've correctly installed Tensorflow Object Detection API according to the provided documentation. However, when I need to train my network there is no train.py file in the research/object_detection directory. Is there anything I can do to fix this?
Link: https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/object_detection/g3doc/installation.md
For some clarification, as aforementioned by Derek Chow, it seems the train and evaluation python scripts were recently (~6 days ago) moved into the 'legacy' directory. Assuming you wanted to continue using the old way..
If one was beginning training by calling:
python train.py --logtostderr --train_dir=training/ --pipeline_config_path=training/ssd_mobilenet_v1_pets.config
One would know begin training by calling:
python legacy/train.py --logtostderr --train_dir=training/ --pipeline_config_path=training/ssd_mobilenet_v1_pets.config