Query language for python objects

jdm picture jdm · Feb 26, 2011 · Viewed 9.4k times · Source

I'm looking for a library that lets me run SQL-like queries on python "object databases". With object database I mean a fairly complex structure of python objects and lists in memory. Basically this would be a "reverse ORM" - instead of providing an object oriented interface to a relational database, it would provide a SQL-ish interface to an object database.

C#'s LINQ is very close. Python's list comprehensions are very nice, but the syntax gets hairy when doing complex things (sorting, joining, etc.). Also, I can't (easily) create queries dynamically with list comprehensions.

The actual syntax could either be string based, or use a object-oriented DSL (a la from(mylist).select(...)). Bonus points if the library would provide some kind of indices to speed up search.

Does this exist or do I have to invent it?


Tobu picture Tobu · Feb 26, 2011

Dee is aiming to be SQL (ish; the author prefers relational calculus) for in-memory structures. There's a GROUP BY equivalent and everything.