This is the code I have:
import pygame
I'm very confused because if I try to run the file, then there seems to be no issue, but pylint says the following:
E1101:Module 'pygame' has no 'init' member
I have searched thoroughly for a solution to this "error". In every relevant case I found, the solution was to make sure that I have not made another file or folder with the name "pygame", because in that case, I would just be importing my own file or folder.
However, I have not made a folder or file with a name even close to "pygame", so I don't know what the problem is.
As said earlier, it seems like I'm able to run the file without any issues and having errors like this confuses me in my learning process.
I write code in Visual Studio Code, I'm using python 3.6, I'm using pygame 1.9.3 and have updated my pylint. Any help would be appreciated.
If you have VS code, go in your .vscode folder > settings.json or search for python.linting.mypyArgs Under user settings tab paste inbetween curly braces
"python.linting.pylintArgs": [
"--extension-pkg-whitelist=lxml" // The extension is "lxml" not "1xml"
I no longer see the pyinit error.