currently i am running my sanic(microframework) webservice with gunicorn as a daemon and i would like to save all logs in files(access and error)
My config:
reload = True
daemon = True
bind = ''
worker_class = 'sanic.worker.GunicornWorker'
loglevel = 'debug'
accesslog = 'access.log'
access_log_format = '%(h)s %(l)s %(u)s %(t)s "%(r)s" %(s)s %(b)s "%(f)s" "%(a)s"'
errorlog = 'error.log'
Next i start the webservice:
gunicorn --config app:app
Sooo.. my errorlog works, but i get absolutely no accesslogs..
There is no hint in the documentation about this issue, could anybody help me?
Thanks and Greetings!
could you try :
gunicorn --config app:app --access-logfile '-'
And see if anything is logged on stdout(console output)?