User permissions for Django module

TheLifeOfSteve picture TheLifeOfSteve · Feb 3, 2011 · Viewed 9k times · Source

I'm having a small issue with my permissions in my Django template.

I'm trying to, based on permissions, show an icon in the menu bar for my project. I want to have it so that if the user has the permissions to add a new follow-up to the project, they can see the icon, if they don't have that permission, then do not display the link.

My permission syntax is follow.add_followup, which I got from printing user.get_all_permissions().

I have tried this code in my template:

{% if user.has_perm('followup.add_followup') %}
<li><a href="{% url followup-new %}">Log</a></li>
{% endif %}

But when I display the template, I am presented with this error:

TemplateSyntaxError at /project/232/view/

Could not parse the remainder: '(followup.add_followup)' from 'user.has_perm(followup.add_followup)'

Any thoughts? This has been giving me a headache! :)


FallenAngel picture FallenAngel · Feb 3, 2011

Since you are using the Django permission system, it's better you use the followingg template syntax...

{%if perms.followup.add_followup%}your URL here{%endif%}

EDIT: Django automatically creates 3 permissions for each model, 'add', 'change' and 'delete'. If there exists no model for adding a link, then you must add the permission from related model, in the model class Meta... Likewise:

class SomeModel(Model):
    class Meta:
    permissions = (('add_followup','Can see add urls'),(...))

In the Django auth user admin page, you can see your permission. In the template layer, permission is presented with the basic Django style,


which, in this case, will be like:

{%if perms.somemodels.add_followup%}your URL here{%endif%}

If there is no model, related to the job you wish to do, the add the permission to a model...

In your template, you can write


to seal available permissions to that user, where somemodel is the name of the applicaton that you add your permission to one of its models.