Any pointers on using Ropevim? Is it a usable library?

leonigmig picture leonigmig · Jan 30, 2011 · Viewed 7.8k times · Source

Rope is a refactoring library for Python and RopeVim is a Vim plugin which calls into Rope.

The idea of using RopeVim seems great to me, is there any documentation on "getting started" with RopeVim?

I've followed what documentation there is:

I suppose I'm looking for:

  • look at this blog post / article / link it makes it all make sense.
  • alternate recommendations like "forget about RopeVim", it doesn't work very well or say "use this instead of ropevim".


Jon Lemmon picture Jon Lemmon · Sep 22, 2011

For basic renaming, hover your vim cursor over the variable/method/etc that you wish to rename and then type:

:RopeRename <enter>

From there it should be self-explanatory. It asks for the root path to the project you wish to do the renaming in. Then it asks you for the new name. Then you can preview/confirm changes.

If you have tab-complete setup in your vim command-area you can look through the other rope features by typing:
