I am trying to find Named entities for a sentence as below
import spacy.lang.en
parser = spacy.lang.en.English()
ParsedSentence = parser(u"Alphabet is a new startup in China")
for Entity in ParsedSentence.ents:
print (Entity.label, Entity.label_, ' '.join(t.orth_ for t in Entity))
I am expecting to get the result "Alphabet","China" but I am getting an empty set as result. What am I doing wrong here
As per spacy documentation for Name Entity Recognition here is the way to extract name entity
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en') # install 'en' model (python3 -m spacy download en)
doc = nlp("Alphabet is a new startup in China")
print('Name Entity: {0}'.format(doc.ents))
Name Entity: (China,)
To make "Alphabet" a 'Noun' append it with "The".
doc = nlp("The Alphabet is a new startup in China")
print('Name Entity: {0}'.format(doc.ents))
Name Entity: (Alphabet, China)