Python unit test coverage for multiple modules

JohnGalt picture JohnGalt · Nov 26, 2017 · Viewed 10.2k times · Source

I searched for a long time and surprisingly found no satisfactory answer.

I have multiple modules/files in my Python project that I wrote unit tests for using unittest. The structure is such that I have production-modules and in one directory (say myproject/production) and corresponding test-files and in a sibling directory (say myproject/tests).

Now I have installed and want to run all the tests associated with the project (i.e. all .py-files with the prefix test_ from the tests directory) and receive a coverage report showing the coverage for all the production-modules ( and

I figured out that I can do this by running the following commands from the myproject/tests directory:

  • coverage erase
  • coverage run -a --source myproject.production
  • coverage run -a --source myproject.production
  • coverage report

This gives me that nice table with all my production modules listed and their coverage results. So far so good.

But can I do this with just one command? Assuming I have not 2 but 20 or 200 tests that I want to include in one report, doing this "by hand" seems ridiculous.

There must be a way to automate this, but I can't seem to find it. Sure a shell-script might do it, but that is rather clumsy. I am thinking of something akin to unittest discover, but for this doesn't seem to work.

Or could I accomplish this using the coverage-API somehow? So far I had no luck trying.


SOLUTION: (credit to Mr. Ned Batchelder)

From myproject/tests directory run:

coverage run --source myproject.production -m unittest discover && coverage report

One line, doing exactly what was needed.


Ned Batchelder picture Ned Batchelder · Nov 27, 2017

This should do it: run -m unittest discover