Pipenv vs setup.py

khan picture khan · Nov 10, 2017 · Viewed 11.9k times · Source

I am trying to migrate to pipenv. I traditionally used setup.py with pip and did pip install -e . to install the module as a package, so that I can achieve stuff like from myproject.xyz.abc import myClass from anywhere within the project.

How do I achieve the similar effect with pipenv and get rid of the setup.py?

Note: I am using python 2.7.


cs01 picture cs01 · Nov 21, 2017


pipenv 9.0.0 has been released, which should allow you to use pipenv install -e . as expected.

Original answer:

pipenv install -e is buggy and has been fixed in master (pull request). It will be available in the next release, sometime after Thanksgiving.

Temporary workaround for now is:

pipenv shell
pip install -e .

After the release, you should be able to run pipenv install -e . similar to what you'd expect with pip.