SqlAlchemy group_by and return max date

Steven G picture Steven G · Aug 19, 2017 · Viewed 11.7k times · Source

I have a table such has

identifier date        value
A          2017-01-01  2 
A          2017-01-02  1
A          2017-01-03  7
B          2017-01-01  2 
B          2017-01-02  7
B          2017-01-03  3

I am trying to select the max date of each identifier such as I get :

identifier date        value
A          2017-01-03  7
B          2017-01-03  3

thank you


r-m-n picture r-m-n · Aug 20, 2017

Using a subquery:

SELECT t1.identifier, t1.date, t1.value FROM table t1
    SELECT identifier, MAX(date) maxdate
    FROM table
    GROUP BY identifier
) t2
ON t1.identifier = t2.identifier AND t1.date = t2.maxdate;

In SQLAlchemy:

from sqlalchemy import func, and_

subq = session.query(

query = session.query(Table).join(
        Table.identifier == subq.c.identifier,
        Table.date == subq.c.maxdate