I'm running a Keras model, with a submission deadline of 36 hours, if I train my model on the cpu it will take approx 50 hours, is there a way to run Keras on gpu?
I'm using Tensorflow backend and running it on my Jupyter notebook, without anaconda installed.
Yes you can run keras models on GPU. Few things you will have to check first.
sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(log_device_placement=True))
from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib
output will be something like this:
name: "/cpu:0"device_type: "CPU",
name: "/gpu:0"device_type: "GPU"
Once all this is done your model will run on GPU:
To Check if keras(>=2.1.1) is using GPU:
from keras import backend as K
All the best.