I want to create python script which can modify code in that script itself using Python Language Services or using any other way.
e.g. A script which keep track of its count of successfull execution
import re
def updateCount():
# code to update second line e.g. COUNT = 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('This script has run {} times'.format(COUNT))
On successful execution of this script code should get changed to
import re
def updateCount():
# code to update second line e.g. COUNT = 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('This script has run {} times'.format(COUNT))
Simple approach came to my mind was to open __file__
in write mode and do requried modification using reguler expessions etc. But that did not work I got exception io.UnsupportedOperation: not readable
. Even if this approach would be working then it would be very risky because it can spoil my whole script. so I am looking for solution using Python Language Services.
Yes, you can use the language services to achieve self-modification, as in following example:
>>> def foo(): print("original foo")
>>> foo()
original foo
>>> rewrite_txt="def foo(): print('I am new foo')"
>>> newcode=compile(rewrite_text,"",'exec')
>>> eval(newcode)
>>> foo()
I am new foo
So, by new dynamically generated code you can replace stuff contained in the original source file, without modifying the file itself.