AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'iteritems'

Victor picture Victor · Jul 15, 2017 · Viewed 23.8k times · Source

Question:I am getting an error while running the below code . I am new to this and not sure how to fix the issue. creae function to assign each coordinates point to its borough.

    def find_borough(lat,lon):
        return the borough of a location given its latitude and longitude
        lat: float, latitude
        lon: float, longitude
        boro = 0 # initialize borough as 0
        for k,v in boros.iteritems(): # update boro to the right key corresponding to the parent polygon
            if v['polygon'].contains(Point(lon,lat)):
                boro = k
                break # break the loop once the borough is found
        return [boro]

## Analyse the cluster now
# create data frame of boroughs
    df = data1[data1.Trip_duration>=1350]
    orig_dest = []
    for v in df[['Pickup_latitude','Pickup_longitude','Dropoff_latitude','Dropoff_longitude']].values:
    df2 = pd.DataFrame(orig_dest)

        AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
        <ipython-input-92-6a4861346be4> in <module>()
             35 orig_dest = []
             36 for v in df[['Pickup_latitude','Pickup_longitude','Dropoff_latitude','Dropoff_longitude']].values:
        ---> 37     orig_dest.append((find_borough(v[0],v[1])[0],find_borough(v[2],v[3])[0]))
             38 df2 = pd.DataFrame(orig_dest)

        <ipython-input-92-6a4861346be4> in find_borough(lat, lon)
             24     """
             25     boro = 0 # initialize borough as 0
        ---> 26     for k,v in boros.iteritems(): # update boro to the right key corresponding to the parent polygon
             27         if v['polygon'].contains(Point(lon,lat)):
             28             boro = k

        AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'iteritems'


jmd_dk picture jmd_dk · Jul 15, 2017

In Python 3, dict.iteritems was renamed to dict.items. You should do this renaming in your code as well. In Python 2, dict.items works too, though this will give back a list of items, whereas dict.iteritems in Python 2 (and dict.items in Python 3) gives back a generator, enabling low-memory looping over the items.