Since two weeks, I'm trying and reading to solve this problem, but everything I tried didn't worked :-(
I'm using python 2.7.
I do have, as far as I understand, a base64-string from the format: AAMkADk0ZjU4ODc1LTY1MzAtNDdhZS04NGU5LTAwYjE2Mzg5NDA1ZABGAAAAAAAZS9Y2rt6uTJgnyUZSiNf0BwC6iam6EuExS4FgbbOF87exAAAAdGVuAAC6iam6EuExS4FgbbOF87exAAAxj5dhAAA=
I want to convert it to a hex-string. Which should result in 00000000194BD636AEDEAE4C9827C9465288D7F40700BA89A9BA12E1314B81606DB385F3B7B100000074656E0000BA89A9BA12E1314B81606DB385F3B7B10000318F97610000
I tried it with the following code:
def itemid_to_entryid(itemid):
decoded_val = base64.b64decode(itemid)
decoded_val = ''.join( ["%02X" % ord(x) for x in decoded_val ] ).strip()
decoded_val = decoded_val.upper()
return decoded_val
itemid = 'AAMkADk0ZjU4ODc1LTY1MzAtNDdhZS04NGU5LTAwYjE2Mzg5NDA1ZABGAAAAAAAZS9Y2rt6uTJgnyUZSiNf0BwC6iam6EuExS4FgbbOF87exAAAAdGVuAAC6iam6EuExS4FgbbOF87exAAAxj5dhAAA='
entryid = itemid_to_entryid(itemid)
which always returns me the following: 0003240039346635383837352D363533302D343761652D383465392D30306231363338393430356400460000000000194BD636AEDEAE4C9827C9465288D7F40700BA89A9BA12E1314B81606DB385F3B7B100000074656E0000BA89A9BA12E1314B81606DB385F3B7B10000318F97610000
and I really don't get, what I'm doing wrong and really would appreciate any help in understanding what I'm doing wrong.
Kind regards Ben
The best way for converting base64 to hex string is:
# Python 2
>>> base64.b64decode('woidjw==').encode('hex')
# Python 3
>>> base64.b64decode('woidjw==').hex()
You can also try it just like this:
>>> base64.b64decode('woidjw==')
but I am not a fan of the output:
As far as your original request goes, there must be something wrong with your initial data, as it does not result in data that you expected:
>>> base64.b64decode('AAMkADk0ZjU4ODc1LTY1MzAtNDdhZS04NGU5LTAwYjE2Mzg5NDA1ZABGAAAAAAAZS9Y2rt6uTJgnyUZSiNf0BwC6iam6EuExS4FgbbOF87exAAAAdGVuAAC6iam6EuExS4FgbbOF87exAAAxj5dhAAA=').encode('hex')