Jupyter Notebook: Import .ipynb file and access it's method in other .ipynb file giving error

anugrah picture anugrah · Jun 2, 2017 · Viewed 9.5k times · Source

I am fairly new to Jupyter Notebook. I have played around with it for a while. But this was my first time trying to import another notebook into my main class.

For reference, I am using Anaconda 4.3.1 and Python v2.7.

I am trying to replicate what I did in my python project to jupyter notebooks. It requires importing other .ipynb files (translated from the original .py files) into it to use relevant methods as desired.

For this, I followed the directions as given on Jupyter Nbviewer Steps Link which I found through my preliminary search on the following stack Question. It gave me some idea but didn't help me after one stage.

I will walk you through the steps I took and the sample program I tried.

  1. Created a small .ipynb file abc.ipynb as follows

    def prt_n(str):
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        prt_n("in abc")
  2. Created an .ipynb file to import Jupyter Notebook from the Jupyter link given above. Say, importer.ipynb.

  3. Run importer.ipynb

  4. import abc

  5. str="Hello Me"

  6. Test step abc.__name__ results in abc as output.

  7. abc.prt_n(str) throws following error


AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-2fb88a43c9e5> in <module>()

----> 1 abc.prt_n(str) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'prt_n'*

I was hoping that the answer will be Hello Me.

Later, I want to actually create a myMain.ipynb file and in that I want to include 2-3 such notebooks and call their methods with required parameters.

One such example can be a file efg.ipynb as follows:

import abc a="Hello Notebook" abc.prt_n(a)

I also want to make sure if there is any other way to do this?

Note: I have already checked sys.executable and sys.path. Both have the same python path value.

Any sort of help is welcome!


Veera Raghavendra picture Veera Raghavendra · Jul 3, 2018

Simple way to use ipynb files in jupyter note book are as follows:

1) Install import-ipynb

pip install import-ipynb

2) Import import_ipynb in jupyter notebook. Then import ipynb file as you import .py file

import import_ipynb
from test import print_name

print_name("your name")