I am using Django CMS 2.1.0.beta3 and am encountering a problem. I need to have access to all the pages in a variable so that I can loop through them and create my navigation menu using a for loop. The show_menu functionality provided with django cms will not work for what I am doing.
I need a queryset with all pages so I can do something similar to the following:
{% for page in cms_pages %}
{{ page.title }}
{% endfor %}
Does anyone know how I can gain access to all the published page objects like that on ALL pages?
I ended up solving this problem by creating a templatetag in django that serves up all of the cms pages:
from django import template
from cms.models.pagemodel import Page
register = template.Library()
def cms_navigation():
cms_pages = Page.objects.filter(in_navigation=True, published=True)
return {'cms_pages': cms_pages}
Then in the templates you call the template tag as follows:
{% load navigation_tags %} {% cms_navigation %}
This requires that you have a main-navigation.html file created. Here then the HTML from that template will be injected into the template wherever the tag is and the main-navigation.html will have access to whatever was passed to it in the custom tag function:
<ul id="navigation">
{% for page in cms_pages %}
{{ page.get_title }}
{% endfor %}
I hope this helps someone better understand templatetags. I found the documentation a bit confusing on this subject.