How to restart a failed task on Airflow

Chetan J picture Chetan J · Apr 7, 2017 · Viewed 22k times · Source

I am using a LocalExecutor and my dag has 3 tasks where task(C) is dependant on task(A). Task(B) and task(A) can run in parallel something like below



So task(A) has failed and but task(B) ran fine. Task(C) is yet to run as task(A) has failed.

My question is how do i re run Task(A) alone so Task(C) runs once Task(A) completes and Airflow UI marks them as success.


jhnclvr picture jhnclvr · Apr 10, 2017

In the UI:

  1. Go to the dag, and dag run of the run you want to change
  2. Click on GraphView
  3. Click on task A
  4. Click "Clear"

This will let task A run again, and if it succeeds, task C should run. This works because when you clear a task's status, the scheduler will treat it as if it hadn't run before for this dag run.