I am trying to plot values of temperature against time with the time formatted as HH:MM. I am able to set the xticks to recur every 15 minutes but the first tick is at the first time (e.g. 04:40).
Is there a way to shift the ticks to occur on the hour and on the concurrent quarter-hours (04:45, 05:00, 05:15, etc.)? My current code is as follows:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as md
import datetime as dt
## Dummy times and temperatures
time = [dt.datetime(2017,2,15,4,40),dt.datetime(2017,2,15,4,46),dt.datetime(2017,2,15,4,52),dt.datetime(2017,2,15,4,58),dt.datetime(2017,2,15,5,4),dt.datetime(2017,2,15,5,10)]
temp = [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
## Plot the data
figtemp, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.plot(time, temp)
## Set time format and the interval of ticks (every 15 minutes)
xformatter = md.DateFormatter('%H:%M')
xlocator = md.MinuteLocator(interval = 15)
## Set xtick labels to appear every 15 minutes
## Format xtick labels as HH:MM
You could tell the MinuteLocator
to only use the minutes 0,15,30,45
using the byminute
xlocator = md.MinuteLocator(byminute=[0,15,30,45], interval = 1)