Android Python Programming

user225312 picture user225312 · Nov 15, 2010 · Viewed 84.7k times · Source

Can I program for Android using Python? I seem to have stumbled upon many links while searching... however neither of them is concrete.

Any suggestions? I want to write apps for Android but really don't want to get into Java for all this.

PS: My question is whether I can write proper, full fledged apps for Android.


Aras picture Aras · Oct 31, 2011

Checkout Kivy. They have done a really great job so far, and I am a big fan of their work. It is still lacking some providers, but they keep adding new stuff to it everyday. First thing you need to do is to check your requirement against what they can offer based on their documentation. They have create an amazing framework for input such as multi-touch or pen handling. They use OpenGL ES internally, as a result complex graphics and visualizations can run very fast when interacting with the the application. Their process for creating an apk is also very straight forward.