Python - mysqlDB, sqlite result as dictionary

Wizzard picture Wizzard · Nov 10, 2010 · Viewed 16.2k times · Source

When I do someting like

sqlite.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM foo")
result = sqlite.cursor.fetchone()

I think have to remember the order the columns appear to be able to fetch them out, eg

result[0] is id
result[1] is first_name

is there a way to return a dictionary? so I can instead just use result['id'] or similar?

The problem with the numbered columns is, if you write your code then insert a column you might have to change the code eg result[1] for first_name might now be a date_joined so would have to update all the code...


Aijazs picture Aijazs · Mar 15, 2013
import MySQLdb
dbConn = MySQLdb.connect(host='xyz', user='xyz', passwd='xyz', db='xyz')
dictCursor = dbConn.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
dictCursor.execute("SELECT a,b,c FROM table_xyz")
resultSet = dictCursor.fetchall()
for row in resultSet:
    print row['a']