How to generate reports in Behave-Python?

Ashok kumar Ganesan picture Ashok kumar Ganesan · Nov 23, 2016 · Viewed 22.9k times · Source

For Java there are external report generation tools like extent-report,testNG. The Junit produces the xml format output for individual feature file. To get a detailed report, I don't see an option or wide approach or solution within the Behave framework.

How to produce the reports in Behave, do any other tools or framework needs to be added for the report generation in Behave?


thistle picture thistle · Jul 10, 2017

You can generate Allure report for your Behave tests.

First you need to install Allure Behave formatter:

$ pip install allure-behave

Then specify the formatter when run your tests:

$ behave -f allure_behave.formatter:AllureFormatter -o %allure_result_folder% ./features

This will generate JSON report to %allure_result_folder%. Then, to view HTML report you can use Allure Command line (plugins for Jenkins/TeamCity/Bamboo also available)

$ allure serve %allure_result_folder%

For more details about Allure report you can see the docs.