If all in list == something

Zoomulator picture Zoomulator · Jan 1, 2009 · Viewed 66k times · Source

Using Python 2.6, is there a way to check if all the items of a sequence equals a given value, in one statement?

my_sequence = (2,5,7,82,35)

if all the values in (type(i) for i in my_sequence) == int:

Instead of, say:

my_sequence = (2,5,7,82,35)
all_int = True
for i in my_sequence:
    if type(i) is not int:
        all_int = False

if all_int:


Autoplectic picture Autoplectic · Jan 1, 2009


all( type(i) is int for i in lst )


In [1]: lst = range(10)
In [2]: all( type(i) is int for i in lst )
Out[2]: True
In [3]: lst.append('steve')
In [4]: all( type(i) is int for i in lst )
Out[4]: False

[Edit]. Made cleaner as per comments.