I'm trying to get and paint corner points in an image. Now, I have a list of tuples with the following format: (row,column,scale)
(scale is because I'm using a Gaussian Pyramid), obtained from harrisCornerDetector and nonMaximumSupression process manually. This list is featuresy1
My code is the following:
criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 30, 0.001)
cv2.cornerSubPix( r, featuresy1, (5,5), (-1,1), criteria )
Where image is an image in grayscale with three identical shapes. As you can see, I'm giving to cornerSubPix
as second parameter a structure like this: [(x1,y1,scale1),(x2,y2,scale2),...,(xn,yn,scalen)]
This is throwing the following error:
cv2.cornerSubPix( r, featuresy1, (5,5), (-1,1), criteria )
TypeError: corners is not a numpy array, neither a scalar
For this reason I wonder what type, format or structure should have featuresy1
to do cornerSubPix()
working. Is this the only thing I'm doing wrong? There isn't much documentation about this.
You need to make sure corners
is numpy array with 3 dimensions (n, 1, 2)
, where n is the number of corners. It also has to be a type float32.
Just type
to verify this.
Type in
To check you are using float32.
To me is looks like your corners featuresy1
is list where it should be a numpy array. Convert it first to a numpy array:
featuresy1 = np.array(featuresy1)
Opencv has an easy to understand example that might help you