plot Latitude longitude points from dataframe on folium map - iPython

hsquared picture hsquared · Sep 9, 2016 · Viewed 26k times · Source

I have a dataframe with lat/lon coordinates

(51.249443914705175, -0.13878830247011467)
(51.249443914705175, -0.13878830247011467)
(51.249768239976866, -2.8610415615063034)

I would like to plot these on to a Folium map but I'm not sure of how to iterate through each of the rows.

any help would be appreciated, Thanks in advance!


Collin Reinking picture Collin Reinking · May 1, 2017

Below is how I did it, I'm actually trying to put together a notebook of examples (adding color, popup, etc.). I'm still working out the kinks but you can find it here:

import folium
import pandas as pd

#create a map
this_map = folium.Map(prefer_canvas=True)

def plotDot(point):
    '''input: series that contains a numeric named latitude and a numeric named longitude
    this function creates a CircleMarker and adds it to your this_map'''
    folium.CircleMarker(location=[point.latitude, point.longitude],

#use df.apply(,axis=1) to "iterate" through every row in your dataframe
data.apply(plotDot, axis = 1)

#Set the zoom to the maximum possible

#Save the map to an HTML file'html_map_output/simple_dot_plot.html')
