JWT encrypting payload in python? (JWE)

Johnny picture Johnny · Aug 26, 2016 · Viewed 11.2k times · Source

According to RFC 7516 it should be possible to encrypt the payload/claim, called JWE.

Are there any python libraries out there that support that?

I've checked PyJWT, python-jose and jwcrypto but they all just have examples for signing with HS256 (JWS).

Sorry if this is totally obvious, but when it comes to things involving crypto I'm extra cautious.


Yifan Wu picture Yifan Wu · Nov 19, 2016

Both Jose and jwcrypto libraries can do JWE.

For jose:

claims = {
'iss': 'http://www.example.com',
'sub': 42,
pubKey = {'k':\
           '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n\
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----'
# decrypt on the other end using the private key
privKey = {'k': 
    '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n'+\

encJwt = jose.encrypt(claims, pubKey)
serJwt = jose.serialize_compact(encJwt)
decJwt = jose.decrypt(jose.deserialize_compact(serJwt), privKey)

For jwcrypto:

# algorithm to use
eprot = {'alg': "RSA-OAEP", 'enc': "A128CBC-HS256"}
stringPayload = u'attack at dawn'
E = jwe.JWE(stringPayload, json_encode(eprot))
encrypted_token = E.serialize(compact=True)
E = jwe.JWE()
E.deserialize(encrypted_token, key=privKey)
decrypted_payload = E.payload