I would like to solve risk parity problem using python.
Risk parity is a classic approach for portfolio construction in finance. The basic idea is to make sure the risk contribution for each asset is equal.
For example, suppose there're 3 assets, and the co-variance matrix for the asset returns is known:
I'd like to come up with a portfolio weight for these assets (w1,w2,w3) so that:
and the risk contribution for each asset equals:
I am not sure how to solve these equations using python, anyone could shed some light on this?
Over a year late to this, but use numpy and a scipy solver. This guy explains it well and does it in python.
All credit goes to the guy who wrote the blog post. This is the code in the blog...
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numpy.linalg import inv,pinv
from scipy.optimize import minimize
# risk budgeting optimization
def calculate_portfolio_var(w,V):
# function that calculates portfolio risk
w = np.matrix(w)
return (w*V*w.T)[0,0]
def calculate_risk_contribution(w,V):
# function that calculates asset contribution to total risk
w = np.matrix(w)
sigma = np.sqrt(calculate_portfolio_var(w,V))
# Marginal Risk Contribution
MRC = V*w.T
# Risk Contribution
RC = np.multiply(MRC,w.T)/sigma
return RC
def risk_budget_objective(x,pars):
# calculate portfolio risk
V = pars[0]# covariance table
x_t = pars[1] # risk target in percent of portfolio risk
sig_p = np.sqrt(calculate_portfolio_var(x,V)) # portfolio sigma
risk_target = np.asmatrix(np.multiply(sig_p,x_t))
asset_RC = calculate_risk_contribution(x,V)
J = sum(np.square(asset_RC-risk_target.T))[0,0] # sum of squared error
return J
def total_weight_constraint(x):
return np.sum(x)-1.0
def long_only_constraint(x):
return x
x_t = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25] # your risk budget percent of total portfolio risk (equal risk)
cons = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': total_weight_constraint},
{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': long_only_constraint})
res= minimize(risk_budget_objective, w0, args=[V,x_t], method='SLSQP',constraints=cons, options={'disp': True})
w_rb = np.asmatrix(res.x)